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              產品中心您當前的位置:首頁 > 產品中心 > 美國BK PRECISION > 示波器 > 美國BK PRECISION 2542C示波器

              基礎信息Product information

              產品名稱:美國BK PRECISION 2542C示波器




              美國BK PRECISION 2542C示波器2540C Series,70 MHz, 100 MHz, and 200 MHz 1 GSa/s DSO and MSO

              產品特性Product characteristics

              美國BK PRECISION 2542C示波器2540C Series,70 MHz, 100 MHz, and 200 MHz 1 GSa/s DSO and MSO
              Model    Bandwidth    MSO
              2540C    70 MHz    
              2542C    100 MHz    
              2544C    200 MHz    
              2540C-MSO    70 MHz    Standard
              2542C-MSO    100 MHz    Standard
              2544C-MSO    200 MHz    Standard

              美國BK PRECISION 2542C示波器概述特點
              The 2540C Digital Storage and Mixed Signal Oscilloscope (MSO) Series delivers advanced features and debug capabilities for a wide range of applications at an entry-level price point. With up to 200 MHz bandwidth in a 2-channel configuration, each model offers a sample rate of 1 GSa/s, and a maximum memory depth of 14 Mpts. In addition, these oscilloscopes provide an 8” color display with 256 levels of color grading combined with a high waveform update rate up to 60,000 wfrms/sec, which allows the instruments to capture infrequent glitches with excellent signal fidelity. The MSO upgrade provides 16 additional digital channels and the Decode upgrade provides serial bus decoding for I2C, SPI, UART/RS232, CAN, and LIN protocols. These digital oscilloscopes are ideal for applications in design and debugging, service and repair, and education. To purchase an MSO or Decode license key, please fill out the license request form.

              Bandwidth up to 200 MHz
              1 GSa/s sample rate
              14 Mpts maximum record length
              16 digital channels with logic analyzer (included with -MSO models or with MSO upgrade)
              Serial bus decoding for I2C, SPI, UART/RS232, CAN, and LIN protocols (Decode upgrade)
              Built-in Function and Arbitrary Waveform Generator comes standard on all models
              Large 8" widescreen display with 256-level color gradient
              60,000 wfms/s maximum waveform capture rate
              Compact footprint and lightweight
              Segmented acquisition history waveform record function (record length up to 80,000 frames)
              Serial triggering comes standard on all models
              Standard LAN and USBTMC-compliant USB device port
              Selectable 50 Ω and 1 MΩ input coupling

              General Purpose BNC and N Adapter KitModel CC500
              General Purpose SIgnal Interconnect KitModel CC510
              300 kHz AC/DC Oscilloscope Current Clamp ProbeModel CP62
              Decode Software License KeyModel DC2540C
              MSO Software License KeyModel LA2540C
              Logic Probe 16 ChannelsModel LP2540C
              High-Voltage Oscilloscope Probe, 10 kV, 40 MHzModel PR-55


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              上一篇:BK PRECISION 2555示波器

              下一篇:美國BK PRECISION 2544C-MSO示波器

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